The Light Daily Devotional – A Call to Draw Near to God
Focus: A Call to Draw Near to God
Everything happening to you and around you is meant to prompt you to draw close to God. In every situation of life, what shows that you are in the right frame of mind is the fact that God comes first in your thinking!
Scriptural Reference
“But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, That I may declare all Your works.” Psalm 73:28 NKJV
In every situation of life, be mindful of the fact that one good thing to do is to draw near to God. Sometimes, the essence of the challenging experience we have is to bring us close to God. The reason why God allowed what happened to you to happen will only be achieved if you allow the situation to bring you close to Him.
It is evident that the entire world is facing challenges. Nations are rising against nations, challenges of insecurity, high inflation and economic meltdown; are the present order of things. This time should remind everyone of us that the night is drawing nearer when men will not be able to work. Hence, it is time to draw near to God and seek His face for intervention. Examine yourself and amend your ways according to God’s will for you!
+ Does the situation around you bring you close to God?
Prayer: Lord! All along my pilgrim journey, help me to walk close to thee in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: Every situation of life is meant to bring you close to God!
Have a Graceful Month Ahead!