The Light Daily Devotional – The Seed of Honour

The Light Daily Devotional – The Seed of Honour

Focus: The Seed of Honour

The word for today

You have something invaluable to give: Honour. This virtue is essential to realizing your dreams and aspirations. A person can never become what they dishonour!

Scriptural Reference

“Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour.” — Romans 13:7 (NKJV)

In your quest to fulfill your desires, do not allow hypocrisy and envy to take root. The most effective way to be honoured is to cultivate a habit of honouring others. When you dream of achieving something, honour those who have already achieved it. Do not trivialize others’ accomplishments; instead, respect the fruits of their hard work. 

Sow seeds of honour in every area of your life. Live honourably, making choices that reflect your respect for others and for God. Honour God with your life and decisions, and let honour be the perspective through which you view others. By doing so, you create an environment where honour is reciprocated, and your path to success becomes clearer.

Living a life of honour also means being true to your values and principles. It involves making decisions that reflect integrity and respect, even when it is challenging. When you honour God with your life, you align yourself with a higher purpose, and this alignment attracts honour from others.

Meditation: How often do you consciously honour those who have achieved what you aspire to?

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to cultivate the habit of honouring others genuinely. Guide us to honour You with our lives and decisions in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Emphasis: Honour is a seed you must sow to achieve your dreams. By honoring others and living a life worthy of respect, you align yourself with the path to be honored!

Have a Gracious Friday!

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