The Light Daily Devotional – The Lord cares
Focus: The Lord cares
When it seems as if the Lord does not care about the deteriorating situation of a man; He is actually up to something. The Lord will not but subject our faith in Him to various tests as we advance in destiny!
Scriptural Reference
“And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Mark 4:37-38 ESV
Most of what we pass through in the journey of destiny is for a purpose. Even though Jesus was in the boat with His disciples, they still experienced a storm. The fact that God is with you does mean that you will not experience storms in every facet of life. The Lord did not attend to the situation until they called Him to intervene. He used the situation to teach them the practicality of having faith in Him.
Have you come to a point in the journey of destiny and your boat appears to be drowning with little or no intervention from the Lord despite your prayers, sacrifices, commitment, faithfulness and righteousness? The Lord uses the various challenging situations of life to work out His purpose. He will always seek to know your faith, loyalty and character. You must try as much as possible to please God in all situations of life.
+ Do you have faith in God and believe that He cares?
Lord! I receive the grace to always have the right attitude to every situation of life in Jesus name. Amen!
Emphasis: The Lord is highly interested in your attitude in every situation of life!
Have a Refreshed Thursday!