The Light Daily Devotional – Do Not Hinder Me

Focus: Do Not Hinder Me
You are not progressive until the Lord has prospered your ways. No one can stop or hinder you in the journey of destiny when the Lord has gone ahead of you!
Scriptural Reference
“And he said to them, “Do not hinder me, since the LORD has prospered my way.” Genesis 24:56a NKJV
In the Journey of destiny, there will surely be an opposition to stop or delay you in every bid to advance. Therefore, irrespective of the strength and the resources at your disposal you must always seek to know and desire that the Lord makes your way prosperous.
Each time you come to a junction of knowing with ultimate precision that God is leading you to do something and you are working and walking in line with His will; you have every right to move on because the Lord has made your way prosperous.
+ Are you on the right track for the right course under God?
Prayer: Lord! I receive the grace to move further into my glorious destiny in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Emphasis: All you need in every bid to fulfil a course in destiny is that God should make your ways prosperous!
Have a Prosperous Wednesday!